We want to make finding your accountability partner easy and free. Until we get up and running, here are some of our weekly tips and recommendations.

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  1. Getting Things Done - David Allen | Book

    Four Minute Books provides the best summary for Getting Things Done. Getting Things Done is a manual for stress-free productivity, which helps you set up a system of lists, reminders and weekly reviews, in order to free your mind from having to remember tasks and to-dos and instead let it work at full focus on the task at hand. I love this book because it helped me realize I can’t remember everything, writing it down is the best refresher that helps clear my mind.

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  1. The 5 Second Rule - Mel Robbins | Book

    Similar to the 2 minute rule from David Allen, the 5 Second Rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.

  1. Indistractable - Nir Eyal | Book

    I am finishing up this book now and cannot express how much value I got from it. Every distraction is preceded by a period of discomfort. If you can ride the wave of discomfort, you can avoid distractions. Aim to ride every uncomfortable urge for at least 10 minutes, because very few urges last longer than 10 minutes.


  1. The 5AM Miracle Episode #023 - John Lee Dumas | Entrepreneur on Fire (Listen Here)

    I don’t know who has more energy in this podcast Jeff Sanders or John Lee Dumas. John Lee Dumas is literally “on fire” with his abundant energy, personality, and incredible resources for entrepreneurs, podcasters, and ambitious goal-achievers. You will seriously love this interview!

  1. Afford Anything Episode #38 - Laura Vanderkam | Why You’re Not As Busy As You Think (Listen Here)

    Paula is one of my favorite podcasters and Laura is a fantastic interviewee. Laura breaks down how much time you actually have in your day and how you can maximize it. If you feel busy, stressed and overworked, you’ll love hearing Laura’s refreshing, uplifting perspective on how to manage and recognize your abundance of time.

  2. Afford Anything Episode #42 - Cal Newport | The Incredible Value of Deep Work, Instead of Distraction (Listen Here)

    Two words: Cal Newport. That’s it, his book will be coming up as a big recommendation soon! Cal brings so much value to any conversation, I have heard him on a handful of podcasts on many different topics and I slow down the podcast speed so I can take it all in.